miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

Monday :  7:  -7 :30  I get up, go to both room, take my breakfast 
8am . 11: 30 am I work  to  , in the toys and hanging  pot.
11 :45 I go to the university until 6. 45 in the afternoon
7 of the night  I to on my house , take my supper   
8pm – 9pm I review the class , afterwards go to the  bed until  tomarrow 
This I my live of Monday to the Friday

Saturday : 10 am , I  get  up, take a bath , afterwards . breafastme
11am – 01 pm I  have to do up my clothes, and take my lunch
11: 45 am  I study that matter of wee
4:30 – 8:00  I take a bath , and afterwards watch
8:30 – 10 I to prepare the supper , we to pass  short time in family to joking  , and afterwards go to bed.

Sunday  10 am I get up, afterwards take a bath and break fast me
11 am -1 pm I to prepare my things for the week , and to help at my mother with the lunch
1.30 – 6 pm we to pass a shor time playing
6:30 pm  I to help at mother to prepare the supper , wetwatch tv and afterwards go to the bed, see you latter until tomorrow

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

My Daily Routine


the week  of monday at friday, igetup. a 7 in the morning, got to my work in the roy store around of the 11:30 go to uniersity. until 6:30 in the after noon; a 7 to night return. to my house, i prepare  my supper, i see tv at night. go to the bed around of the 10 in the night